Serving Texas East of Austin and North of Houston
Welcome, Y’all! Thank you for visiting our website. We are here to promote good will and fellowship among clubs and to promote public awareness about square and round dancing. But, the really great thing about our clubs are the people - socializing, dancing, playing and listening to music, and having an experience together is what its all about!
Square and round dancing is the Original American Dance… It provides exercise and fun to thousands of dancers throughout the United States and the world. If you’ve danced before, come join in. But, dance experience is not required. We encourage you to bring a partner, but can provide one to you during lessons.
We take great pride in providing a strong teaching program for people who are new to square dancing but are eager to learn and share in the fun. If you’ve never done a “Do Sa Do” in your life… It’s time for YOU to discover square dancing!
Check out the Association Dances that we have coming up!
See Events Page
Congratulations to the 2024 Square Dancer of the Year
Dewey McMillen
"Welcome Lake Livingston Squares to SHSRDA"